My Trip Home

Every day we get out of school at 2:55 PM.  People are lined up at the door around 2:52 PM, pushing and all up on the door waiting for the bell to ring.

The bell finally rings all the kids are shoving me to get out the door so I learned to stay in the back of the line so I don’t get my feet stepped on and pushed. I finally make it out of the classroom in one piece. There are at least 80 kids trying to walk down one staircase, and I’m really getting pushed down the steps, forced to go faster. I yell because people are stepping on my jacket.

Most kids get off at the second floor so I don’t get pushed as much I found a new way to get to my car without people acting like we are running from the police. Everyone is talking loud you can hear everything they are talking about, some kids talk about weird things and I try my best to act like I can’t hear them.

I’m now on the first floor where no one gets off eye, I parked far away from the school because I don’t have a parking permit to park on the schools grounds. So I walk from in front of the school to then end of the road, I parked in the back of a hair salon it kind of scary I hate walking alone.

I’m finally in my car, I can only think about how I’m going to sleep when I get home. Everyone knows when school gets out people are trying to leave all at the same time so of course it’s crazy you have to do any and everything no to get your car hit because some teens can’t drive.

Not just our school getting out the middle school and four elementary schools. School busses everywhere and so happen I get stuck behind a bus, after all the stuff I go through at school I get stuck behind a bus. Every three minutes the bus stops and lets a kid off, we get to a light so I get in the turning lane to go the back way home. I’m thinking ” ok well this way should get me home faster”, and it didn’t because I’m behind two more busses now.

I’m Pulling in my drive-way after twenty minutes of stopping, I parked my car and went in the house and went in my room and got in my bed, then my mom come in telling me to put on my clothes and shoes and go check the mail.

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