Ice from forming

This past week my teacher had me to read “ How to build a fire.” In the story the man had a dog the dog fell stepped in ice and he licked his paw before the ice froze the paw. I researched what type of animals can live in freezing cold weather. The top do to survive in cold weather is a husky. These dogs have the fur and ability to survive in this type of weather. The know how to search for prey and are very aware of their surroundings.

For a human you will have to have and the appropriate amount of clothing. Humans are not capable of surviving long in extreme cold weather without the proper tactics. The clothes need to mostly be made of cloth or cotton. This is very much how a husky’s fur keeps them warm and comfortable and able to stand the cold.

The husky can survive weeks and months etc. in cold weather. A human will be lucky to make it 10 hours. Someone who isn’t smart will be lucky to last an hour. A human can suffer from life threatening problems from being in the extreme weather. They can suffer hypothermia or frostbite. Who you want go out in this type of weather? Are you a smart or not so smart person when it comes to these conditions?

5 thoughts on “Ice from forming”

  1. That is true about the dog having fur an natural abilities to survive that type of weather. You should’ve read over you story an checked spelling other than that good job.

  2. Also, taking a look at your title and your content, does your title reflect what you’ve written? Is there a better title you could give it since some of your content doesn’t address it, or would you instead change the content of your research and post to better reflect the title?

  3. Do huskys mind the heat or do they prefer the cold because of how much fur they have or does it even matter to them if it is cold or not?

  4. Great question, dabridges738. I wonder if warm-weather huskies shed and maintain a lighter coat. Oh, and dabridges738, the plural of “husky” is “huskies.” You can do this since it is a common noun. If you had two dogs named “Penny,” you wouldn’t change the ending to “-ies.” You would have two Pennys (dogs named Penny).

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