Ancient Greek

We are reading an article “ The teacher who changed my life”. How important was cosmetology to ancient Greek? , What methods did they us for doing their hair? , And what method did they us for doing their make up?

I learned that ancient Greek women didn’t wear make up they like natural looks, and the male body was admired in sports and sculpture. It wasn’t that hard to find it was all on one website you just had to look for it. Yes my information did if I needed to know anything else about ancient Greek I know what website to come to. The movie 300 the rise of an empire is an ancient Greek movie about a King who fought for his country.

The best part of this assignment was learning new things about ancient Greek history and how they wore their clothes and hair. If I could researcher something else about ancient Greek it would be how did they raise their children? I would like to know this because during that time they didn’t have a lot of thing to raise a baby.